2025 Officers
President - Eve Weatherholt
Vice Presidents - Nancy Abb and Debbie Connor
Treasurer - Renee Spears
Secretary - Susan Woelmer-Siebarth
Becky Mullins, Laura Larkins, David Larkins
Sami Weatherholt
Heather Lotter
Tommy G
October 25, 2022
Article I: Mission
The mission of the Monroe Art League shall be to promote fine art in Monroe County, to
encourage artistic talent, be a showcase for our members and their work, and to stimulate
art appreciation within the community.
Article II: Membership
Section A: Active membership shall consist of persons practicing fine art.
In order to be considered in good standing, members are expected to:
· Keep dues current.
· Attend a minimum of two regular meetings annually
A member in good standing will be entitled to participate in Art League
sponsored events such as: The Members Only Show, the Downtown Fine
Art Fair Booth, Spot Shows, Member Recognition Award and other
member specific events.
Section B: Honorary membership shall be conferred on persons who are members in good
standing and actively participated in league functions, for a minimum of 15 years,
non-consecutive. Honorary members are not required to pay dues. Honorary members are exempt from Section A.
Section C: The ultimate purpose of the zero tolerance policy is to create a pleasant
atmosphere for our members. The following list contains examples of
behaviors that will not be tolerated: badgering, rudeness, insinuation,
intimidation, profanity and violence. Members exhibiting such behaviors
shall be asked to leave the meeting and may face expulsion. Expulsion will
be made by a vote of the standing board.
Article III: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
Article IV: Dues
Section A: Dues for membership shall be determined by the Executive Board and approved
by members at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Section B: Annual dues shall be payable by the September meeting.
Section C: Persons whose dues have not been paid by the September meeting shall be
considered delinquent and not in good standing; and will not be entitled to
membership privileges until said dues are paid in full.
Article V: Meetings
Section A: General membership meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month
with place and time determined by the Executive Board.
Section B: The Executive Board and/or President shall set the agenda for the meetings.
Members may suggest agenda items to the President.
Section C: When Monroe Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, meetings
are cancelled or rescheduled if necessary.
Article VI: Officers, Terms and Responsibilities
Section A: Officers of the League shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section B: Officers shall be elected at the November meeting for terms of one year with
no more than five consecutive years in the same office.
Officers assume duties at the adjournment of the December meeting.
Vacancies in an elective office shall be filled by vote of the members.
Section C: Responsibilities of Officers shall be as follows:
1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the League and Executive Board:
be ex-officio member of all committees; appoint Chairs of Standing and
ad-hoc committees, and may submit committee membership recommendations
to Committee chairs.
2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence
of that officer, and shall assume the chairmanship of the Program Committee.
3. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, attend to League
correspondence, and distribute minutes of the previous meeting to the member-ship.
4. The Treasurer shall pay all approved bills of the League, receive and account for all dues and other funds and prepare the annual financial report. An audit will be conducted during the month of December.
Article VII: Executive Board
Section A: The Executive Board shall be comprised of the elected officers, the immediate
past President and three members at large to be elected by the members.
Section B: The Executive Board shall determine the function, policies and programs of the
League, and approve financial arrangements.
Article VIII: Standing Committees
Section A: The Program Committee (Chaired by the Vice President) shall provide
demonstrators, presenters, etc. for designated monthly meetings, make all
arrangements thereof, and work closely with the Publicity Committee.
Section B: The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for media publicity regarding
meetings and League activities as needed.
Section C: The Nominating Committee shall poll the membership for those willing to run for
office and shall present the slate of proposed officers to the membership at the
October meeting. Nominations from the floor can still be accepted at the
November meeting.
Section D: The Scholarship Committee shall work with the Monroe County Community
College Foundation and Financial Aid Office to select qualified candidates and
award scholarships as approved by the Executive Board, as long as funds are
available. The Scholarship Committee shall be appointed annually by the
President, and consist of a minimum of three individuals, members in good
standing. An annual report of activities shall be prepared by the Scholarship
Chair for submission to the Executive Board.
The Francis A. Maedel Art Scholarship. This scholarship will be created
to support Monroe County Community College students who are pursuing a
Fine Arts Associate Degree. This fund will be administered by The Foundation
at Monroe County Community College and the Financial Aid Office. The amount
of the scholarship award shall be determined by the Monroe Art League Executive
Board and approved by the members. The Scholarship Committee chair shall be
the liaison of the Monroe Art League.
Section E: The Membership Committee shall seek new members and publish an updated
membership list annually or as needed.
Section F: Ad-Hoc Committees may be appointed by the President for a limited duration
to address specific concerns, areas or topics as necessary.
Article IX: Committee Personnel
Committee Chairs (except those serving by virtue of elective office described in Article VI)
shall be appointed by the President and shall select members for their respective committees.
Article X: Quorum
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the active membership in good standing who are
present at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Article XI: Amendments
A request for changes to the Bylaws must be made at a regularly scheduled meeting and can
be made by any current member in good standing. The requested change(s) will then go to
the Executive Board for review. The board will then refer the approved changes to the
membership as a whole at the next regularly scheduled meeting at least one month prior to
the meeting where the voting for the changes to the Bylaws will occur. Membership will also
be notified by mail or e-mail of suggested changes that will be up for a vote prior to the
meeting in which the voting will take place. Changes to the Bylaws will be done by a
favorable vote of a majority of members in good standing present at the meeting when the
voting takes place.
Article XII: End of the Year Reports
Joint Executive Board Meeting: The outgoing officers of the League shall deliver to the
incoming Executive Board all pertinent and historically significant printed information and
reports no later than December 31.
Article XIII: 501(c) 3 Qualification
All activities of the Monroe Art League shall be conducted so that the corporation qualifies
in all respects as an exempt organization under Section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue code.
This revision of the bylaws were approved by members of the MAL regular meeting on Oct 25, 2022.
Article II, Section C added on 10-25-22